The day pack for backcountry skiers.

Working in a ski shop, and skiing the majority of my life, I noticed areas of modern ski backpacks that did not meet consumer's desires. I wanted to fix that. Through online forums and talking with customers, I was able to compile a list of regularly desired attributes of ski packs skiers were searching for. With that list, I was able to design a durable backpack for the average skier for on and off resort skiing.

Collaborating with a fashion designer helped in creating a product that was both fashionable and functional.

With each iteration of the backpack, I made samples to understand how the form would react in different circumstances.

Not only do the ergonomics and physical aspects of the bag have to be exemplary, but also the graphics. I came up with multiple different graphics for the backpack before settling on one.

Focusing on one of the main issues with current bags of ski carrying, I made sure that there were two solid ways that a skier could easily attach and carry their skis.
I was fortunate enough to go on a shop trip out to Oregon with the ski shop I was working at while designing this bag. This trip allowed me the opportunity to really test out the bag, it's limitations, and comfort for all day sidecountry tours.
While in Oregon, I asked other skiers to try out the bag and give feedback on what they liked and disliked. The feedback was very positive. Every skier loved the fit and comfort of the bag while wearing it, along with the ease of on mountain use.